Thursday, June 09, 2011

Flip Flop Dress Up

Hi My Blogger Friends - It's Thursday and before I move into my post for today - I want to report in from Weight Watchers yesterday.......I'm a big fat looser - I'm down another 1.3 lbs. I'm super happy that it's still coming off - even after getting to lifetime - It's all good and hope to take off another 5 lbs and then I'll maintain that weight and prepare for returning to Wisconsin in August. I just know that I'll be enjoying some of my all time favorite foods in the world when I go back to Wisconsin at the end of the summer. NOW.....on with the show! Earlier this week I posted these fun flip flops and also the yummy yummy fleece material I picked up at Joann's. This idea came from several blogs that used fleece and flip flop together to create a fun twist on prettying up everyday One Dollar flip flops.  I planned to CASE this recipe and decorate some flip flops for my granddaughters........
I picked the two girls up each a pair of pink (it's their favorite color too.....) and one purple pair and one turquoise pair......
What I did was use my good fabric scissor to cut the fleece up into long running strips ........
And then grabbed a pair of the flip flops and went to town tieing the fleece to the flip flops.
And when it was all over....this is the fabulously yummy creation I made for my little granddaughters. They turned out better than I had hoped and went together in a total snap.
Here's a close-up of Ms Hailey's purple pair......Just know she's going to love these.
Next up are Ms Brooke's pink pair. Brooke wears a lot of pink and black and I just knew that her pair of pink flip flops were going to need a little bit of black added to the pink fleece. Super Sweet!
This next pair are Ms Hailey's pink pair......Have to say that I would love to have a pair of these for myself. (Pretty sure that all of my neighbors might look at me like I've lost my mind if I decorated my pink flip flops with this fleece!) All I know is Hailey is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this pair.
And the last pair of flip flops were the turquoise pair and those I made especially for Ms Brooke. Besides liking Pink and Black......Brooke wanted me to make the turquoise pair especially for her. Seriously she is going to squeal when she spots this pair.
So overall.....the little granddaughters are going to make a haul with their new flip flops. They went out yesterday afternoon - so I'm thinking that they should receive their box either on Friday or Saturday of this week.

Thanks for sharing your Thursday with me. I'll be back tomorrow to share one last recipe swap with you - hope you can join me tomorrow and help me kick off the upcoming weekend. Keep Living Your Dream!


  1. that is sooo stinkin cute! they will LOVE them!

  2. Adorable...I think you should make a pair for yourself! Also congrats on being a loser! Well done you!
