Hi Blogger Friends and HAPPY Sunday to you! It's been VERY COLD here in Arizona the last couple of days.....COLD like in the LOW 50's! RAINING and SNOWING yesterday and I seriously never take naps and yesterday afternoon when Jack was out in the living room reading (surprise-surprise!) I curled up on the sofa and took a hour nap. HOW YUMMY was that! BUT the vacation is almost over....our weather is warming up as I type....and by Monday...we will be back to the 80's.....YAHOOOOO! So let's get busy and check out this amazing post I have scheduled for you today.

My BFF Jan made me this A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E (and I do mean ADORABLE) pin holder yesterday.........I have been admiring these cute stick pins for some time.....and Jan came up with this sweet sweet holder for me to store them in......CHECK IT OUT.....

Two of my most favorite ingredients.....Pink and Pretty!

And she included a whole boat load of these fun little stick pins......They are just screaming for me to go create something.

Don't you just love the pom-pom (pink of course) that she wrapped around the jar!

And one last look at my amazing gift from (who I think is.....) the most amazing BFF! Thanks Jan for making this charming little gift for me.......I have it front and center on my studio desk and I'm going to try to get something created before we leave for CK convention this coming weekend.
Hope you have some fun things planned for today.....My neighbor is out of town and we are having her husband over for dinner tonight....so ..... I'm needing to put on my Betty Crocker apron and dream up something YUMMY for dinner. (wish me luck!)
I'll be back tomorrow with some Get Well Cards I received a month ago when I got that horrible bug and I totally forgot to post them.....Hope you can swing back tomorrow for a look at what I think is some amazing work. Keep Living Your Dream!
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