Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Treat #7

Happy Tuesday My Blogger Friends and SO GLAD that you could join me for the last Halloween project that I made for my grandkids to pass out to their classmates on Halloween Day.  Today I am going to share the treat holder that I made for my oldest grandson Jared........Check this out......
If this project looks familar.....well...It is one that I TOTALLY CASE'd from my friend Kris!  She made me an adorable Dracula that had a YUMMY chocolate bar wrapped up inside him.....SO...I made this project for my grandson.
I used a paper stack that I picked up at Michael's and each of the 8-Dracula's were dressed up in a different cape. 
 You open up Dracula's wings to expose a full sized chocolate bar!
And who doesn't LOVE LOVE LOVE Hershey Chocolate Bars?
 I'm sure that my oldest grandson will be a BIG HIT this Halloween!
Many THANKS to my friend Kris for sharing this project with me..........Such a FUN project and a PERFECT way to end my Halloween Treats for my Grandkids.

Thanks for letting me share my seven Halloween Treat projects with you.  I'll be back tomorrow to share a beautiful card that my friend Kris made for me. 
Keep Living Your Dream!

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness Kadie! Haven't been watching your blog while away and then I get on and am AMAZED! Sooo many fun things! I love Halloween! See you soon!
