Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Faith in Nature

Happy Wednesday My Blogger Friends and THANKS for joining me.  Today is Stamp Camp and is the first month that I had to open a second Camp in the evening because I had soooo many ladies wanting to attend Camp.  I will begin offering one Stamp Camp from 1-3pm and then a 6-8pm session on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.  It will turn out to be a SUPER BUSY day for me - but I figure I can reset tomorrow.....So all is GOOD!         
Today I will be sharing a card that my sweet friend Kris made for me.  This was a Thank You card that she made for me (so I won't be showing you the inside of the card) for a little stamp gift that I gave to Kris a week (or so) ago.  Check out the lovely creation that Kris made with the "Faith in Nature" (pg 13)Hostess set from Stampin' UP!
I was able to purchase this set and give it to Kris for all the work she put into receiving and distributing my Stamp Club order for August when I was back in Wisconsin on vacation.  My Stamp Club order arrived while I was gone and Kris verified the order and packaged (and deliveried) all the orders to my 6-Club gals.  I knew that Kris LOVED LOVED LOVED this set - and I wanted to surprise her with this set as a way of thanking her for all the extra care she put into my order. (THANK YOU one more time Kris!)
I have to say that when Kris handed me this card I was BLOWN AWAY with how BEAUTIFUL her card turned out - but how special I was to have received the first card Kris made with her new stamp set..........
I love how she colored in the pear image......but equally....I love her seam binding bow and safety pin trinket she added to the center of the bow.  And I love how Kris used her new "Jewelry Tag" (pg 210) punch and "Tiny Tags" (pg 136) stamp set to create a beautiful "thanks so much" message to her bow. HOW LOVELY!
I just love how this card turned out - and might have to rethink if I want this set or not.  THANK YOU Kris for creating me such a beautiful card - and without a doubt.....It's found a new home nested front and center on my upper cabinet in my studio.

Thanks for joining me today - I'll be back tomorrow to share a fun little surprise that my friend Debbie made for me.  She surprised me with a fun litle Halloween treat and I will be sharing that with you tomorrow........Hope you can come back and join me for that.  

Keep Living Your Dream!

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