Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stamp From Hawaii......

Happy Saturday Blogger Friends.......I'm heading down to the Tucson Convention this morning so have to make this QUICK. Today I would like to share a stamp that my BFF brought me back from her recent trip to Hawaii. The stamp is from RSF in Honolulu, Hawaii. It's an amazing stamp of a beach in Hawaii and the moon just resting over the water. Can you image how awesome this stamp would be on glossy cardstock and by adding blue, orange and sand ....... It seriously would create a beautiful beach scene of Hawaii.
Jan also included a small piece of mesh that does amazing backgrounds when used with chalks or ink and daubbers. It's a really fun piece of mesh that can be washed off and used over and over again to create some fun DSP or background images. Can't wait to try it out.
I treasure this gift from Jan and can now say......I have a little piece of Hawaii in my Arizona studio. Thanks BFF for bringing this stamp back to me.
So now I'm off to go catch up with Jan and my other SaddleBrooke lady friends for a fun day at the Tucson convention. I'll share my finds with you over the next couple of days. Keep Living Your Dream!

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