Friday, March 18, 2011

Card From BFF

Happy Friday my blogger friend - Hope you have some fabulously FUN plans for the weekend. The Tucson RubberStamp/Crafters convention is this weekend and my BFF and I are heading to the Expo Center to check it out......I'll keep you posted to our FINDS. Today's card is from my BFF - who made this card for me last weekend when she returned from being gone over 6 weeks (note to Jan....Don't ever do that again.........). I would like to share this darlin card she made for me. This cute cute little girl is cute enough to EAT UP.......Here's a close-up of this cute little girl.
Jan also used some of the new yummy SU seam binding.......SO AMAZING and SO YUMMY!
This card just SCREAMS Jan.......and I love the vintage feel that the ribbon...little girl and charming DSP gave to Jan's card.
And don't you just love how Jan brought that vintage feel into the inside of her card....LOVE IT!
It's so good to have Jan back in SaddleBrooke and even though she's not leaving again until June......I'm already grieving her loss.
I'm off to prepare some goodie treats for the four gal friends that will be going down to the convention with Jan and me to fly. Hope you have a fabulous weekend and I'll report back in tomorrow with a fun stamp that Jan brought back from Hawaii with her. Until tomorrow......Keep Living Your Dream!

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