Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What's on Your Refig?

Do you have the same-old/same-old things on your refig? Maybe you have the ever IMPORTANT calendar on your refig to help keep your life somwhat under control.....
Do you have one of those FUN magnetics?I especially like how these are a helpful reminder that everytime we open the refig to select something that is not only good for you - but has the fewest calories.
Seems like every refig has these same-old/same-old images on them.........But wait till you see what decorates the front of my refig.
These are works of art from my grandkids. Here's a close-up of their master pieces: This is Jared's artwork (guess he's trying to tell me that he is looking forward to his trip in an airplane to come from Madison, Wisconsin to Arizona to visit us. And here is Hailey's artwork. A fabulous picture of her taking a walk with her friends at school. Here's Steven's - he actually couldn't decide which picture to send me - so he sent three pictures to me. This one is of him, his PopPop and ME!
And lastest (but certainly not least) my Doll Babies artwork (Brooke). I asked her what she wanted for her upcoming birthday in December - and this is her piece of art. (Just in case you can't tell what it is.........It's the Guess Who Game).
Hope you enjoyed viewing what I have on my refig - and thanks for indulging me with a little bragging from the Kitchen of NaNa Kadie. I'll be back later to share the three cards that I made at the LSS class on Saturday.....Until then...... Keep living your dream!

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