Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Monday!

It's Monday and I spent the entire weekend playing. Went to our LSS and took a card making class with my SaddleBrooke Stamper Friends. We made three cards (which I will try to post later) and we used inks and embossing as the main techniques for these cards. The gathering was fabulous and besides the instructor being somewhat disorganized (remember that there were over 16-of us there.......) the entire class was delightful and we learned lots of new techniques. We had time to do some serious shopping after (okay and before) the class - so walked away with my Holiday paper to make the grandkids their gingerbread men books and many other delightful finds. Yesterday was spent cleaning the house and working on the gingerbread men books. Was a fabulous day and got lots done. We have a new addition to our quickly growing animal life population in our yard....our latest addition is a SKUNK......have to say that he has driven us more than once off our pool deck. And he has done some pretty extensive damage to our planter and flower gardens. Will be calling animal control if he keeps this up. Jack did some research on the internet regarding shunks and it said that they don't like bright lights ....... so guess who turned all the outdoor lights on last night. SWEAR if you were in a plane overhead last night you would have been able to spot a place to land the plane in our yard. MAN OH MAN it was bright. Besides all that drama - will plan to spend some of the day today playing with my new cricut and fixing a cheesecake for our dinner party tomorrow with the neighbors. Exterminator is coming today to start our contract with them....they send out two fellows and plan to be here for over 2-hours getting the property set-up.....look out bugs -you need to pack your bags before 1pm - otherwise it's curtains for you. Hugs to the kids and hopefully within the next couple of days - I'll be able to post some pictures. Kadie

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