Saturday, August 06, 2022

Summer Lovin' Album

Happy Saturday My Blogger Friends!
My Scrapbook share for this week is a DARLING little album I got from '' called "Summer Lovin".  It is designed to help you document your summer adventures.  Here is what I created.
This album is JAM PACKED FULL of fun colors and elements.
When you open this album up ..... There are two little 4-3/4" x 6-1/4" mini sections.  
These little mini sections are the PERFECT spot to tuck pictures.
Here's Page one.
Page one has a flip-out section attached to it.
Here's Pages 2 and 3.
Both of these pages have pockets.
Pages 4 and 5.
Page 5 has a flip-out section to it.
Pages 6 and 7.
Pages 8 and 9.
Pages 10 and 11.
Pages 12 and 13.
Pages 14 and 15.
Page 15 has a flip-up section for more pictures.
Pages 16 and 17.
Page 16 has a flip-out section.
Page 18 and 19.
Page 19 is a pocket scrapbook page to store treasures in.
And here is the back inside cover.

Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share a Spotlight Sunday creation with you ........ Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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