Friday, January 14, 2022

Friends Friday PICS

Happy Friday My Blogger Friends!
My blog post for today is Friends Friday.  On Friday's, I have the honor of spot-lighting some of the fabulous cards and projects that I received from Friends ....... Fellow Demonstrators ........ and Family.  Each of these creations are works of art........and it is with great pleasure that I share with you today some AMAZING projects that three very special friends made for me.
On Christmas Eve morning ....... My sweet friend Gus has a Christmas Eve Brunch.  This year she pulled out all the stops.
She had a PRETTY gold box at my setting (filled with some yummy chocolates) ........ And she filled this little box full of fudge for Jack (who couldn't be there).
This little package of YUMMY was handed to me when I walked out the door Christmas Eve at our brunch.  It was some DELISH cookies made by Barb (Gus neighbor).
And this little TREASURE was hanging on my front door Christmas Day from my sweet friend Sandy Polencheck.  She filled this bag full of pretzels with a drop of chocolate in the center.  OH YUM!!!

Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share a special Paper Pumpkin Saturday creation with you ........ Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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