Saturday, November 27, 2021

Scrap Paper/Post It Note Holder

            Happy Saturday My Blogger Friends!
Well, today is our Annual Gingerbread House Party and the five grandkids will be gathering together to build their gingerbread houses and decorate some YUMMY Christmas Cookies.  I had wondered if my oldest grandson was going to come.......(He's 22 years old and we started this tradition when he was about 3 years old).  When I asked him if was coming, he said......"YOU BET NANA......I WOULDN'T MISS IT ......  IT'S TRADITION"(oh, be still my heart!!!)  Every single year, I ask myself ........ Who is having more fun with this tradition ...... The grandkids or the adult parents!!!!!
Here's some pictures of the girls setting up for our party.........




Now ...... On with my blog post for today.  I am KICKING OFF the "30-Day Countdown to Christmas Challenge" and today is Day 2 of this challenge.  Check out the cute project I created...........
Every once in a while ......... Someone creates something on the internet that takes my breath away.  Connie Stewart is usually the person who does that to me.  She created this Scrap Paper/Post it Note Holder on her blog back on October 14th and I knew IMMEDIATELY......I wanted to create this.
Here is the link to her blog post:  DIY Christmas Gift for Coworkers: Easily Make Affordable Gift Ideas (
Connie has step-by-step instructions ....... along with an AMAZING video that will help you create this project.
I knew I wanted to make this for my studio ....... So I created mine with Melon Mambo card stock along with decorating the outside with my (retired) Designer Series Paper.
It holds LOADS of scrap paper........
And I ended up putting my business cards in the back pocket.
I used the 'Days to Remember' set along with the 'Tailor Made Tags Dies'  for my tag piece.  And the pretty white ribbon from the 'Flowers For Every Season' was the icing on the cake in my opinion.
So if your looking for that PERFECT little gift to make for someone this holiday season ....... You have to head over to Connie's blog and watch this video.

Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share another '30-Day Countdown to Christmas' creation with you ...... Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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