Tuesday, December 23, 2014

12-Tags of Christmas DAY FOUR

Happy Tuesday My Blogger Friends!
Today I have tags seven and eight in my 12-Tags of Christmas series.  These two tags will come together in a super snap.......Let's jump right in with my share for today.
First up is a Night of Navy tag that uses the 'All Is Calm' Specialty DSP for the giant snowball at the bottom of my tag.
I stamped my "JOY" across the top of my tag with VersaMark and used Silver Embossing Powder for a WOW FACTOR.  And then I used my 'Essentials' paper piercing template to trace around my DSP snowball and used my Signo White Gel Pen to connect in the holes.
This tag uses a Soft Sky tag base and some Cherry Cobbler 1-1/4" Striped Grosgrain Ribbon to top off my tag.
I ran my base tag through my Big Shot with the Perfect Polka Dot embossing folder.  I used the "Four Frames" stamp set for my polka dot label.......and create a poinsettia flower with the help of the Petite Petals punch. 

Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share Day FIVE of my 12-Tags of Christmas share ........ Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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