Thursday, July 17, 2014


Happy Thursday My Blogger Friends!
Hi Friend!  We made it to Salt Lake City last night and are all checked in.  We are ready to begin all the SU CONVENTION FUN we can pack in over the next four days.  Since I'm meeting up with my good friend Mary Fish this week ....... I couldn't think of a better card share for today than to share with you my version of a SUPER FUN card that Mary Fish created. 
This is SERIOUSLY a CASE card from my good friend Mary Fish.  She spotlighted this card on her blog a couple weeks ago, and when I saw her card......I knew I would be creating a "Kadie" version of her card.  Needless to say......mine is in PINK!
Like Mary.......I used the Groovy Love stamp set.....and used Melon Mambo ink to not only create my groovy heart (and punched it out with the new Sweetheart punch), but I also stamped my sentiment with the same ink.
I used Daffodil Delight cardstock for my accent color and added some SUPER YUMMY  1/4" Melon Mambo Cotton Ribbon around the center of my card. 
The final touch was adding three Brights Candy Dots to the bottom right corner of my card.
Seriously has to be one of my favorite Mary Fish cards EVER.  Without a doubt ........ Hailey and I will be making some of these cards for our Skype Sunday this fall.  THANK YOU MARY for your inspiration and never ending talent!
Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share with you a pretty card using the new Flower Patch stamp set ......... Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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