Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fun With The Grandkids!

Happy Saturday My Blogger Friends!
Today I have some FUN PICTURES to share with you of my grandkids and all the fun we've been having with them in Wisconsin.  Here's what the gang looks like.........
With Pop Pop (Steven, Hailey, PopPop and Jared).
 And with NaNa (Steven, Hailey and PopPop).
And those little piggies are Hailey's.  We went out school outfit shopping and I jut couldn't resist taking a picture of her feet while she was trying on outfits.
 Here's Hailey with outfit number one......
 And number two (my favorite)......
Outfit number three.......
And outfit number four.
Of course........after all that shopping we headed over to Orange Leaf for some self serve ice cream.  This was mine!
And here's the kids enjoying their ice cream.  I asked them to strike a pose....and I got the See No Evil (Hailey)........Speak No Evil (Jared)........Hear No Evil (Steven) Monkey's from them!
And my final photo share is my daughter Cheryl with her kids.  I'm sure there will come a day when they can all coordinate a happy face at the same time.....but until then.......One of them will always be acting up when it comes time to get their picture taken.
Thanks for joining me today!  I'll be back tomorrow to share more Kards by Kadie creations with you........Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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