Friday, January 11, 2013

Projects by Patti Carbonelli

Happy Friday My Blogger Friends!
I have an extra special share for you today that we created at the gathering that my good friend Mary Fish hosted for some our her SU downline friends.  I was lucky enough to meet Patti Carbonelli who shared this special treasure with us.....and then blew each of us away when she said each of us were going to create this lovely framed artwork.  I WAS BLOWN AWAY!  

This is the beautiful work of art that each of us created...... 
We embossed our background Cajun Craze piece
(I used the new HoneyComb Folder)....... 
And we stamped the Sentiment and GORGEOUS shoe from the "Fabulous You" stamp set ...... And then we used several different Stampin' Write Markers to color in all the beautiful detail of our shoe!
I even used a sponge and some Early Espresso ink to go over my HoneyComb embossed piece to add a WOW POP to the embossed Cajun Craze cardstock. 
The end results.....this GORGEOUS and SO ELEGANT picture frame that will find it's new home in my studio.  Such a beautiful creation and MANY THANKS to Patti for organizing this project and her very OVER THE TOP GIFT to each of us.  I loved this project Patti!
Tomorrow is a special day in the Fisher/Labadie HOUSEHOLD.........It's my Jack's birthday! I will be dedicating my blog post tomorrow to the man I am TOTALLY FLIPPED OUT CRAZY OVER - and sharing some extra special pictures of the birthday boy with you.
Hope you can come back and join me ..... Keep Living Your Dream!

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