Monday, November 05, 2012

Spooky Little Treat From Sandy

Happy Happy Monday My Blogger Friends!
Count-Down to Wisconsin in 25 Days!
Today I have the last of my 2012 Halloween Treats to share with you (I told you that Halloween is my FAVORIT HOLIDAY - and as a result ....... I always have LOTS TO SHARE). 
This is a treat that I received on Halloween from my good good friend Sandra Pollencheck.  She was the first Stamper I met when we moved to SaddleBrooke and it just so happened that she too lived in Madison, Wisconsin.  IN FACT ....... she worked at the same hospital I worked and lived only a couple miles away from where we lived.  (And to that.....I have to say.....Who doesn't believe that this is a SMALL SMALL WORLD!!!!!)
On Halloween morning ...... Sandy came over and hung this ADORABLE Halloween Treat on my mailbox and as soon as I saw it ....... I SQUEALED BIG TIME!  It was a duplicate of a project Sandy shared at our October SaddleBrooke Stampers meeting and I kind of kidding said she could make me one of those for Halloween (kind of teasing-but seceretly meaning it at the same time!).  Check out what she made for me.........
 This little cutie has all the FUN that goes with Halloween wrapped up in one nice neat little package!
Believe it or not.....there is CANDY in the bottom base of this little creation ....... but the fun is that the entire packaging looks like a grave-yard scene with three of the most ADORABLE little monster you can image.
 The base of the box is the stage for these Halloween spooky guys to stand on......
 And the fence goes completely around the plateform and creates this CHARMING little cemetary.
 And Sandy has added Pumpkins and Candy Garland (hanging in the back ground)......
 And dressed each of her little guys up to spend a spooky night trick or treating!
There are simply so many details of this treat holder that I can't even image how much time it took Sandy to put this little cutie together.
THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU Sandy for making this special little Halloween Gift for me .........  It honestly is not getting tucked away with my Halloween decorations - but in fact is going up at the top of my studio cabinets so I can continue looking at it WELL AFTER HALLOWEEN is over!
I'll be back tomorrow to begin sharing some of the projects I've been working on - I'm hope you can come back and join me for my share tomorrow.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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