Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Treats

Happy Happy Thursday My Blogger Friends - and THANKS for joining me today!  I'm going to share my Valentine's Day treats for my SaddleBrooke Friends with you today and also share the card swap that I made for my SW Demonstrator meeting this past Tuesday.  So.......Let's get going......
Here are my Valentine's Treat just waiting for me to hit the dusty SaddleBrooke Trail on Valentine's morning.  First up ..... I want to tell you that this idea came from the very talented SU demo Connie Stewart at: 

If you haven't visited Connie's blog - YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING OUT.  I would suggest taking a moment and visiting her blog - (but please wait until your finished reading my blog post) YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! 
Connie shared how to make this ADORABLE little treat box - that honestly looks like a Hershey Kiss has been popped on the top.  And the KISS is made by using the Blossom Petals Builder Punch
Connie has all the dimensions on how to make this box and she also has this AMAZING little gadget that she created for the Simply Scoring Tool and her little tool helps you create the PERFECT box lid each and every time. 
The top and bottom of the box is made from the SU Scallop Square Duo Bigz Die. And by simply cutting off the bottom edges of the largest petal on the Blossom Petals Builder punch and then turning that petal over ....... you've created your large Hershey Kiss. 
 I added SEVERAL Hershey Kisses to the inside of my box .....
 And wrapped my lid with the Victoria Crochet Trim from Stampin' UP!
I also made these adorable 3"x3" scallop Hershey Kiss notecards for my SW Stampin' UP Demo card swap for this past Tuesday night.
The foil was just crimpled up and then smoothed out and adhered to the front of my Scallop Square Duo card ....... and I used dimensionals to pop up my Hershey Kiss and punched out a Small Heart with Red Glimmer Paper.  
Simply LOVE how these little note cards turned out! 
Wouldn't a stack of four of these 3x3 note cards look adorable in a larger version of this treat box and include envelopes to the box and you have a fabulous litle gift giving idea.  I might just have to try this fun idea!

Many thanks for joining me today - I'll be back tomorrow to share more Phoenix Regional cards with you - Hope you can come back and join me.  Keep Living Your Dream!


  1. blossom builder punch equals "kiss." brilliant. hugs, m

  2. Hi! There were no pics on the e-mail sent to me. Just big blank white squares. Could you please resend again? Thank you in advance.Cheryl McAskill
