Monday, January 02, 2012

Jan's Little Christmas Gift

Happy Monday My Blogger Friends and today is a very special day in the Fisher/Labadie household ....... Today is the Rose Bowl and ........ YOU GOT IT ......The Badgers are playing in sunny California.  I will be heading up to the Ranch today to spend the day scrapbooking while Jack enjoys the entire house to himself to watch the Rose Bowl Game. 
My share today is a cute little number that my BFF gave me right before Christmas.  I arranged to take Jan and her husband Nick down to the airport a few days before Christmas (they were heading back to Colorado for the holidays) and while we were heading to the airport Jan handed me this adorable little package.
Of course the most adorable part (so I thought) was this fabulous pink flower which was decorating the front of my package.  OH SO PRETTY - and OH SO ME!  But to my surprise - the real WOW was on the inside of the package.
Jan started out with a small brown lunch sack - folded the lunch sack over and stitched the sides of the sack to create a charming little pocket sack.  She then stamped this amazing little vintage tag number - which she inserted into the pocket that was created by folding the bag over.  The 3-D butterfly is so darn cute and a simple double stamping of the butterfly and some dimensionals brought this pretty in pink butterfly to life.
But SERIOUSLY ......... the real SURPRISE and WOW was when I reached inside the back pocket and pulled out this A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E PINK calculator.  OH MY GOSH GIRLFRIEND ....... talk about a real WOW FACTORI LOVE IT!
It's PINK ...... It SPARKLES ........ and it's totally ME! 
Here's a close-up of the cute little pocket bag that Jan created ........ And all from a plan brown lunch bag.  Jan never stops amazing me with her talent and her sense of creativity. WELL DONE JAN!
I seriously love this little number and can't thank Jan for thinking of me and creating this fun little gift for me.
I'll be back tomorrow to share a fun little Christmas card that my BFF made for me...... Hope you can come back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!


  1. Thanks for sharing this cute idea. A brown lunch sack? Seriously? So dressed up I didn't even recognize it! Gotta CASE it.

  2. That was a cute gift! I came across
    your blog yesterday and spent ..well, some time going back and back and are so talented and so are your friends! I am glad I "met" you!

  3. the calculator . . . insanely cute! hugs, m
