Sunday, January 29, 2012

Birthday Gift For Kris

Happy Sunday My Blogger Friends!  I am planning to spend the ENTIRE DAY not in my studio but in my garage.  YIKES - Do I Know How To Have FUN or What!  I have been putting it off for several months now - and right now it seriously looks like a BOMB went off in our garage so today is the day to jump in and GET THE GARAGE CLEANED OUT!
My share today is the sweet gift I made for my good friend Kris Holmes for her birthday - which was last Monday.
I started out with this fun little card (like the one I made for Jan).  I knew that Kris loves anything new from Stampin' UP! - so I pulled out not only the new SAB DSP packet - but also grabbed the new Ruffled Ribbon to create a super big and super fun card to go along with her gift.
I just love creating these fun 6x6 purses and bookmarks that my fellow Stampin' UP! demonstrator Dawn Griffin shared with her blog followers (  They come together in a snap and pack a real WOW FACTOR to those that are receiving them.
I made a 6x6 purse that holds 4-notecards and used the Designer Series Paper that is in the Stampin' UP! Sale-a-Bration catalog to decorate the purse and the notecards.  I also made a matching bookmark for Kris that uses the same DSP from the SAB Catalog.  Dawn has a video for both of these projects on her blog - (
The 6x6 purse comes together with the help of a 6x6 page protector (that is cut down) and a single sheet of white cardstock ..... and after you add some DSP and a couple Rosette's ..... your purse comes together in literally a SNAP!
I purchased the new Stampin' UP! Rosette's die and was able to create both of these super pretty rosette's in a FLASH!
The notecards were just Whisper White cardstock and some of the SAB DSP added across the bottom portion of the cards.
I had purchased this beautiful black journal book for Kris and made one of Dawn's super awesome bookmarks for it.
I just had to add a special little scallop birthday wish to the inside of the journal book for Kris.  And that completed my birthday gift for my good buddie Kris.
I had so much fun creating this birthday gift for Kris and I know first hand how much Kris loved every little thing I made for her.  Happy Birthday Kris!

I'll be back tomorrow to begin sharing my January Stamp Camp cards with you - Hope you can come back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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