Friday, December 02, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat From Sandra

Happy Happy Friday My Blogger Friends.  Today I will be sharing an AWESOME little gift that my good friend Sandra deliveried to me for Thanksgiving........BUT FIRST.....I want to share Day Two of the Count Down To Christmas Gift I made for Jack.  Here is Day Two.....
One of Jack's favorite things to do is watch Friday Night Fights.......This perfect little gift will give him uninterrupted TV viewing time so he can watch as much of the Friday Night Fights as he can stand.  Now....on with my Thanksgiving share from my friend Sandra.......
 Sandra played the Thanksgiving Elf last Wednesday morning and deliveried this fun little cookie package to my mailbox.......
 I have to tell you that this little package was brought into our home by Jack and he deliveried it directly to my studio.  Needless to say.......he didn't get a single one of these cookies (I'm BAD!) ..... and yes....they were OH SOOOOO YUMMMY!
And if the cookies were a big enough treat - Sandra made this adorable tag - which was so super cute!
Just love everything about this tag and seriously it made me think of the fall in Wisconsin when I first saw it.
The best part of this delivery is that Sandra made me this Thanksgiving Surprise.  Many THANKS Sandra for thinking of me and making one of these cookie treat bags just for me......... I LOVE IT!
Thanks for joining me today.  I'll be back tomorrow to share Day Three of my Count Down to Christmas Gift to Jack ..... and I'll also be sharing a few Thanksgiving cards I received last week.  Hope you can swing back and join me for my Saturday share. 
Keep Living Your Dream!

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