Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 18 and a GIFT from Mark ......

It's Day 18 of my Countdown to Christmas Calendar for Jack and today we have UNINTERRUPTED Sunday Football ...... NEED I SAY MORE?
Today I want to share an amazing gift I received from Mark Gray ..... A fellow SW Stampin' UP! Demonstrator friend. We had our Christmas Party this past week and I received Mark's gift in our annual gift exchange - and let me tell you ....... I was BLOWN AWAY with how awesome a gift I receive - Check this out .......
When I reached inside the gift bag, I pulled out this amazing and OH SO CUTE embossed box.  BUT WAIT ...... There's more .......
 The top flap pulled back to reveal some embossed cards on the inside ...
There were a total of 6-OH SO BEAUTIFUL gold embossed cards along with 6-matching embossed envelopes.
And if all the embossing done on the cards and envelopes wasn't enough ...... the top and sides of the box were also embossed .......
 Here's a close-up of the beautiful cards that Mark created.  I only wish the picture would have captured all the shine and beauty of these cards - UNBELIEVEABLE!
And just when I thought this gift couldn't get any better ....... Mark also embossed the inside bottom of his box.  Now that's what I call a real WOW FACTOR!
Just one more quick look at the cards and envelopes of this amazing creation. 
I just love my exchange gift - and appreciate all the hard work that Mark put into creating this very lovely gift box with matching cards and envelopes.  Won't be using ANY of these cards - they are going to take a front and center spot on my "SHOW AND TELL" bookcase for all to enjoy.  MANY THANKS Mark!

I'll be back tomorrow to share a few more of the gifts that were made and exchanged at our SW Stampers Christmas Gift Exchange - Hope you can come back and join me .  I'm spending the entire day preparing for Stamp Camp on Wednesday ....... Have two full classes to prepare for and plan to get 'er done today ...... WISH ME LUCK!   Keep Living Your Dream!

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