Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Simply Score - Di Gibbs Style Day Two

Happy Tuesday My Blogger Friends....
Today I will be sharing the gate-fold card and medallion piece that we made at Di Gibbs Simply Scoring Tool Class a couple weeks ago.  Let me just JUMP right in........
We started out with the "Beau Chateau" DSP (P184) and used the "Side Notes" (P190) die-cuts to embellish the belly band of our gate-fold card.....Oh this is starting out SO PRETTY!
Di Gibbs gives amazing direction and instructions in her classes and creating this
gate-fold card was a snap with the help of our Simply Score Tool.
Here's a view of the inside of our card - after we remove the belly band.
And one last additional view of our Gate-Fold card in all it's glory.
 The last thing I will be sharing with you is the wonderful paper medallion that Di had us make -
OH MY GOSH Friends.......this was SOOOOO Stinkin Easy To Make.......
We stamped a "Merry Christmas" sentiment on a 1/2" strip of Whisper White card stock
and made a thin banner for our medallion........FABULOUS little touch!
A special little WOW factor came when we added a Real Red button to the front of our Medallion.  Don't you just love the way Di had us tie the Bakers Twine on to the button??????? 
The base of our Medallion is a Scallop Square which was die-cut from the Big Shot Machine and all our layers were stacked onto the center of that square to build our medallion.
The medallion is made from a 1-1/4" x 12" piece of DSP that is scored every 1/4".  If you spend the time and ink all the edges of your scored out piece it will create lots of texture and dimension to your finished medallion.
I'm planning to make each of my Grandkids teachers one of these for Christmas. 
I plan to attach a pin to the back of each medallion and make a
Holiday Pin for the kids teachers to wear during the upcoming Holiday Season. 
I just know they are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE 'em. 

Many thanks to my SU demonstrator friend Di Gibbs for all the amazing projects she shared with me during her recent Simpy Score Tool class - If you are ever in the Mesa area and have some extra time on your hands......I strongly recommend you sign up for one of Di's classes that she teaches at her Queens Creek/Mesa stamp studio.

I have a special CraftJunkieToo Design Team Challenge to share with you tomorrow.  
Our fearless leader Tracy asked her Design Team Members (that would be ME!) to prepare a Thanksgiving Project and I prepared the PERFECT project for that challenege and will be sharing that with you tomrrow morning.  Hope you can join me for that project. 

Appreciate you stopping by today and hope to see you back here tomorrow
for my CraftJunkieToo design team share.  
Keep Living Your Dream!

I'll be back tomorrow to share the final project that we made at Di Gibbs Simply Score Tool class....It seriously is one of those projects that I think I'm going to make for each of my grandkids to give to their teachers for the holiday's....OH SO PRETTY!

Keep Living Your Dream!

1 comment:

  1. Aha! The banner is exactly what I was talking about at our meeting. These projects are absolutely stunning. Hugs, m
