Monday, November 14, 2011

SaddleBrooke Stampers November Challenge Card

Happy Monday My Blogger Friends! 
Today I'm sharing a fun little Challenge Card that I made for my SaddleBrooke Stampers
meeting last week. Check this fun card out.....
 Our November Challenge card was to make a card and use a funky background and the stamped turkey and Happy Thanksgiving message onto our card. 
 Here is the fun little turkey that we received....I just colored him in and used dimensionals
to pop him up on several layers of circles.
 The Happy Thanksgiving was stamped as a tag and all I did was cut the tag up and
 added it to a banner flag.
 And for the funky background.....I grabbed my Alcohol Inks and swirled several colors
 together to create this funky and super fun background for my card.
 I just love how the turkey and the message turned out........
While I had my Alcohol Inks out.......I took the opportunity to make two additional background pieces.  I'll use them to make two additional cards maybe later in the week.

Thanks for joining me today - I'll be back tomorrow to share my
SouthWest Stampers Demo cards with you - Hope you can join me.
Keep Living Your Dream! 

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