Thursday, November 17, 2011

Di Gibbs Stocking Class Day One

Happy Thursday My Blogger Friends and today I am spending the entire day in my my Jammies........with my hair down.  I made it through Stamp Camp yesterday and I had 25 gals come and we LAUGHED........SHARED......and had a BLAST creating five different cards - which I will be sharing with you this coming weekend.  For today......I will be sharing one of the cards that I made when I went up to Di Gibbs house this past weekend to attend her Stocking Punch Class.  Let me share that first card with you.......
Isn't this the most ADORABLE stocking card you've seen.  Di does an amazing job with her classes and she didn't disappointment with this card.  We stamped and punched out three stockings and decorated them all up with pearls and the new jingle bells (in the mini).
I just love love love this stamp and punch set - not only does it stamp perfectly....but the punch leaves that little bit of white space around the stocking and punches like BUTTER!
This first stocking we punched out of DSP and did the cuff and heals/toes with Chocolate Chip Cardstock.....The top of the stocking was trimmed in a small row of Pearls.....
The center stocking was stamped in Cherry Cobbler and then the cuff/toe and heel were punched out with DSP.  We added a jingle bell with Bakers Twine to the top of this stocking cuff.
And our last stocking was stamped out with Wild Washbi and used DSP for the cuff/toe and heel.  We added a bitty flower punch and dropped a pearl in the center.....calling these stockings done!
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how these turned out - and plan to share this card with my club gals on Saturday.  I just know they will love it too.  I'm pretty sure the first question they will ask is.....When will we be making this card.

Thanks for joining me today - I'll be back tomorrow to share day two of Di Gibbs Stocking class - Hope you can join me.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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