Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Treat from BFF

Happy Sunday My Blogger Friends and Welcome Back! 
Today I have plans to catch up on several projects that are beginning to stack up in my Studio. 
My hope is to FINALLY get those projects checked off my (EVER GROWING) To Do List!
Check out this ADORABLE Jar that my BFF gave to me at Stamp Club. 
As if the jar wasn't just yummy enough.......It's filled with a simply YUMMY Scrub
that is seriously yummy enough to eat......(*and you can*)
Jan took several edible ingredients (the two yummiest that I can remember were Sugar and Olive) and brewed up this amazing brown sugar scrub for each of my Club Gals for our October meeting.  Now I know there is some kind of Pumpkin Spice added in this brew because once you open the lid to this little jar - The smell of Pumpkin just jumps out at you (in a good way).
Now seriously.......Don't you wish you had Smell-a-Vision?
I just love love love the little Pumpkin Spice lid decoration Jan made for the top of our jar. 
 This little jar has made a new home on my studio bookcase.....totally adorable!
And if I pull off the lid - It simple fills my studio with an amazing yummy pumpkin spice smell!


Thanks for joining me today.........I hope you can join me tomorrow as I'll be back 
to share a couple fun Halloween surprises that two of my favorite girlfriends made for me.....
(I just squealed when I saw both of those projects)

Keep Living Your Dream!

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