Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween Treat #3

Happy Friday My Blogger Friends and YAHOOOOO for the weekend.  I have some NON-STOP PLANS for this weekend and will be working hard to finish up the 150+ Halloween Treats I'm making for my little Grandkids and squeeze Stamp Club in......Dinner with my BFF......Prep work for Stamp Camp (coming up on Wednesday).....and a fabulously creative class with Di Gibbs up in the Mesa area on Sunday.  Guess I'm going to be looking forward to Monday rolling around - Just in time for my ANNIVERSARY with my honey.  Let's kick this weekend off with my THIRD Halloween Treat for my grandkids.....
Today I'm sharing the Halloween Treat for my Granddaughter Brook"e" in Wisconsin.  I'm making a NON-FOOD type treat for her class....and check out how cute these pencil treats turned out.......
I headed down to the dollar store and picked up three packages of Halloween pencils and made these ADORABLE flag banners with some TOTALLY FUN Halloween Bingo Bits stamps from Stampin' UP!
I pulled out some retired SU purple cardstock......of course LOTS of Pumpkin Pie and Basic Black cardstock was used to pull these little cuties together.  I find it hard to pick which of the Halloween Bingo Bits stamps I liked the most.......
Of course Halloween would be complete without an ADORABLE Black Spider.......
I have to say that often times in Arizona you find some pretty horrible spiders....and if I came across a spider as cute as neighbors wouldn't hear me screaming like a little girl (at all)......
 And Halloween just isn't complete without Frankie.......
 And a ghost (too cute to spook)......
I just know my granddaughter is going to have sooooooo much fun passing these little cuties out to her classmates on Halloween.  And I know all the Mom's will appreciate not having their little 2nd graders arrive home from school all sugared buzzed from yet another sugary sweet treat.

Hope you enjoyed todays post - and I'll be back tomorrow to share yet another Halloween Treat that I'm busy creating......Hope you can join me.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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