Thursday, September 08, 2011

FU August Swap Cards

Hi My Blogger Friends and Happy Thursday to you.  Today I'm going to share two of my August FU card swaps that I received from Ann and Debbie - Let's get right to it....
 This first card is from my Wisconsin Stamjping Buddy Ann.  We were to create a card using Brown and Blue and our design element was embossing.  Did Ann hit this one out of the park or what!
 Ann crafts with such silent elegance and without a doubt this card shows yet another example of all the great work that Ann does.  Check out the amazing job Ann did with this beautiful lady image.......
 LOVE LOVE LOVE how Ann colored in the hair of this image.......the color and shading that Ann did was amazing and by adding a couple dimensionals to the butterfly allowed her image to pop in just the right spot.  AWESOME JOB Ann!
 Next up is Debbie's card - And have to say that when I received Debbie's card I just sighed and smiled at the same time.
 I love how Debbie added a dimensional to the one baby block she added in the corner of her card....but th most amazing thing about this card is........
these ADORABLE Teddy Bear-Blocks and Hand/Foot Print images she stamped on the blocks she punched out with the Stampin' UP! Postage Stamp Punch.......AWESOME!  By stamping a single chocolate chip image onto a whisper white block and then matting it onto a larger pok-a-dot DSP block is SUCH A CHARMING LOOK - Amazing Card Debbie!

I'm hoping that tomorrow I can post the cards that Kris and I shared for August - but I'm still in Wisconsin and not sure that I have access to that file - My fingers will be crossed tonight when I go hunting for them. 

Thanks for stopping in today and hope you can join me tomorrow......Keep Living Your Dream!

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