Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cross Plaines Thank You Card

Happy Saturday My Blogger Friends - Today I have Stamp Club and it's an extra special Stamp Club.....Today both Debbie and Jan will be joining us (but we will be missing Sandy).  I'm hoping that next month we will have ALL SIX GALS together.  I'll be sharing our Club projects with you tomorrow.  For today - I'm going to share the last of the cards that I made while at our Cross Plaines retreat a couple weeks ago.....
 This card is one of those perfect cards that serves DOUBLE DUTY......You turn to your scrap stash and grab a couple circle punches (any sizes will work) and you start punching...........
The Double Duty is ...... you get to use up all your scrap pieces of cardstock that you just can't throw also get to build up your stash of Thank You cards. (One can NEVER have too many thank you cards......)
All I did was punch out one each of a 1-3/4"......1-1/2"........1-3/8".......1-1/4" and 1" circle punch from my ever growing stash of scrap DSP and cardstock.  I staggered the circles down the right hand side of my portrait card and also added the Little Leaves Sizzlits Die in all different shades of green.
 The real WOW FACTOR comes when you take a fine tipped black gel pen and stitch around the outer edges of each of the circles to create a FABULOUS FINISH to this TOTALLY COOL CARD.
I was able to create a BUNCH of these cards for my daughter and had SO MUCH FUN picking different color combinations from a big bag of scraps.  Some of the cards only used one Little Leaves and others I used two........Both WORKED GREAT!

Thanks for stopping by today - I'll be sharing with you tomorrow the projects that my Club Gals made at Stamp Club today......Hope you can come back and join me.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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