Monday, September 05, 2011

Archiver's Get Together

Hi My Blogger Friends and Happy Labor to you!  Sorry I have gone missing in action and my hope is to be able to keep up with my blog while I'm visiting my grandkids in Wisconsin.....I say "Hope" because I landed in Wisconsin over a week ago and it's been NON-STOP on the go since I arrive in Madison.  What I want to share with you today are the treats that I made my four girlfriends who joined me for an Archiver's Mania on the first Saturday night I was back here.
 I asked four of my girlfriends to join me out at Archiver's for a Saturday night mania and we could get caught up and PLAY at the same time.  Here are the treats that I made for each of them for that night.
This is a close up of the Chocolate Chip and Pretty in Pink set I made for my Daughter Cheryl.  I made a water bottle holder - a nugget chocolate box and a small 3"x3" note card pizza box.
 This set was for Amber (who sadly didn't show up and I ended up giving hers away to somebody else that was admiring it that night)........
Jessica fell in love with her set - she loves pink and honestly tells me that she keeps all the treats/goodies that I've ever made for her.....(how sweet - that seriously made my heart smile).
This set was for my friend Michelle (who couldn't join us for very long - but did stop by for hugs and plenty of time to chat and get caught up. 
 And yet another view of all four sets that I handed out.......
 As you can tell from Michelle's set - the Pizza Box held three little 3"x3" note cards and were secured closed with some 1-3/4" striped ribbon from Stampin' UP! (LOVE LOVE LOVE that ribbon).
 Here is the Hershey Nugget holder I made from the SU Box #2 die.
 And my favorite thing to make for my galfriends is the water bottle neck holder.
And one last look at the 3"x3" note cards that were tucked inside the small pizza boxes that I made for each of my girlfriends.

I had so much fun with my girlfriends at our Saturday night Archiver's night out - and most of those same galpals joined the group that met the following weekend (both Saturday and Sunday) at our Cross Plaines Mania. I'm hoping that I'll be able to post those pictures later this week.

Thanks for stopping in today - we are heading over to my daughters today for a Labor Day cook out.  Can't wait to gather for the day with my daughters - Son-in-Laws and the grandkids......should be a fun day and will include lots of play time with the grandkids.......and.....Sitting out on the patio to enjoy some amazing food and wonderful conversation.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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