Sunday, September 11, 2011

America Pauses to Remember 9/11

Today I will be taking a break from my regularly schedule blog post and remembering 9/11.

On September 11, 2001, terrorist caught the United States by surprise when they hijacked four commercial airplanes and used them as weapons in a bold series of attacks aimed at American landmarks, including New York City's World Trade Center.

At 8:46am American Airlines Flight 11 speared into the 110-story North Tower of the World Trade Center......And at 9:05am United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the 84th floor of the South Tower.  Both towers collapsed.

Hijacked planes also crashed into the pentagon and into a Pennsylvania field......
Nearly 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks - which led to the U.S. declaring a war of terror that continues to this day.

Today......I along with other Americans pause to remember 9/11.  And as we watch tributes to September 11th unfold across our great land............Please remember those who lost their lifes on that horrible day and pray that God continues to bring comfort and peace to their families.

I STAND TALL and PROUD to call myself an American......God Bless the U.S.A.

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