Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Crape Myrtle Beauty.....

Happy Tuesday my Blogger Friends....Today I want to share a OH SO PRETTY little NON-STAMPING number from my yard in Arizona......Check out this BEAUTIFUL Crape Myrtle that is in my front yard.....
Crape Myrtles are tall Chinese shrubs that have showy pink, purple, red or white flowers.  Mine just happens to have beautiful pink flowers.  OH SO PRETTY!  Mine has been pruned to take shape as a tree......and I have it planted right in front of my Ramada wall.......
The best part of where my Crape Myrtle has been planted......It's in full view from the street - but also peeks over our privacy wall and when we sit at the dining room table we have in our Ramada - we get a full view of this lovely little number.
This is the view of our Crape Myrtle from our Ramanda.......
And this is what I see when I sit at our table in our Ramada.......
Here's a close-up look of the beautiful pink flowers on our Crape Myrtle.......
And Jack grabbed the camera from me and asked me to stand in front of my beautiful flowering Crape Myrtle......Oh How I LOVE this scrub/tree.  Even though the flowers only last - maybe two weeks....it's brings such happiness to me when it's in full bloom and such a lovely little scrub when it's done blooming.

I am blessed to live in such an amazing state that allows us to have such beautiful flowers, scrubs and trees as we have.  I would have NEVER thought that Arizona would have sooooo much color.

Thanks for stopping in today....I'll be back tomorrow to share some cards that I've received over the last couple of weeks.....Hope you can join me.  Keep Living Your Dream!

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