Thursday, August 11, 2011

Card from Cheri

Happy Thursday my Blogger Friends - Today I want to share a fun little card that I received from my Scrapbooking Buddy Cheri. I join Cheri every Monday afternoon at the Ranch and we participate in a month Recipe Swap - She has been working on making up some paperdolls and she made one of them up for me.......
Check out my fun little birthday card that Cheri created using the Forever Young cartridge and some super yummy scrapbook paper.
Love how my paperdolls dress is sporting a fun recipe print pattern DSP - LOVE IT! 
And Cheri even thought of the fun little braclets on her doll along with a fun little spatula......
And I think my favorite part of this card is what Cheri wrote on the inside........TOO CUTE!

I'm going to be joining my girlfriend today for a super FUN DAY of shopping. I have one mission for today and that is to find a project basket for under my studio desk.  I want to be able to store the upcoming projects I'm working on in one nice neat little place and I'm hoping that I can find that basket today while Nancy and I are out shopping.......I'll keep you posted if I find anything.

Hope you can join me tomorrow for more Kards by Kadie creations......Keep Living Your Dream!

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