Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Greek to me (recipe)

Hi Blogger Friends! Today I'll be sharing my recipe exchange that I'll be handing out to my fellow Ranch friends (for July). I worked like the devil on this last month - only to find out that when I finished them on the second Sunday of June - that my recipe swap wasn't due until July 15th.......I had completed my July swap a month early. .......OH WELL........that's what I get for being TOO organized! I went ahead and handed my July recipe swap in EARLY and figured I wanted to get them out of my hands and into the hands of our group coordinator Cheri. The theme for July was Pasta - and I decided to do a Greek Chicken Pasta. Super Yummy and YES....Super Easy. Here we go...... Here's my layout - I love how this layout looks and my chicken friend is super cute and made with a few SU punches. My title was punched out using my 1/4" circle punch and then layered in red with my 1/2" circle punch. I added a tiny piece of SU dimensional foam to the back of each letter and that created a fun raised letter look to my title. Here's my little chicken in all his/her glory. I made my chicken with the Scallop Circle punch - the Modern Label punch for his little legs.........and the 2-1/2" circle punch for the plump little body. I also used the small heart punch and several small circle punches to create his face. His arms and head are made from the SU scallop circle punch - and I just rounded off 5-scallops for the arms and shaped the head to have 5-scallops on the bottom and rounded and shaped to create his head. One more view of Mr Chicken........I did use foam dimensionals to raise him up off the page. I think he's super cute and totally adds that little something/something to my page layout. Hope you can come back tomorrow so I can share more of my Kards by Kadie creations. Keep Living Your Dream!

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