Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cards for the Troops

Happy Wednesday My Blogger Friends and today I want to share two cards that I turned in last Wednesday at our SaddleBrooke Stampers Meeting. We were asked to make some patriotic cards for our challenge and swap cards and these are the cards that I turned in...... First up is the swap card that I turned in.....Look familiar? Well it was the card I designed for my Fourth of July cards this year. The only thing I did differently was add a much thicker piece of fiber to the center of my button and altered red and blue ink for the words on the flag. SUPER FUN and figured it was the perfect card to sent over to the troops. Here's a close-up of the flag portion of this card......and also of the button. LOVE how much more fun this card turns out using both red and blue ink and then just alternating the rows with these two different colors of ink. This next card was for our SaddleBrooke Stampers Challenge card. Ann had passed out three little scallop squares and asked us to create a card using any or all of these three different pieces of cardstock.......This is the fun little card I created. Wanted to keep this card pretty general - so someone from the troops could use my card for any purpose.....and....after I stamped "because" on the front oval panel of my card - I knew I had achived what I set out to do. PERFECT! Thanks for stopping in to see my latest creations today - Without a doubt - I'll be back tomorrow with more Kards by Kadie creations - Hope you can check in sometime tomorrow. Keep Living Your Dream!

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