Saturday, May 07, 2011

Surprise Cards

Happy Saturday friends........I'm looking forward to a day in my studio and my hopes are to chip away at the MANY MANY projects that I have STACKED UP in my closet. But for now.....I'm going to share a few cards with you. First up is another pic of my shabby chic canvas artwork.
Next is a card that my SW stamper friend shared with me.....and I shared it with my FU group. The one thing that I love about this card is you can switch up the color combination that you use and the order that you stack them onto your card.
This pretty card was made by my stamping friend Berta. It is put together with DSP and stamps. LOVELY Design.......LOVELY Colors......and a totally fun card to put together.
Here's a close-up of my final card. Probably the most difficult part of putting this card together was making the bow with the linen thread.
Well....tomorrow is Sunday and Mother's Day......My heart is sad that I won't be with my kids this year (last year we flew them all out to Arizona to visit for the week-and we were able to all celebrate Mother's Day together.....insert sad face here) but I will be getting on WebCam and chatting with all of them during the day tomorrow. I have my Mother's Day treats that I made for my SaddleBrooke friends and I'll be sharing those with you tomorrow. Keep Living Your Dream!

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