Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mini Milk Carton Holder

Hi Blogger Friends and Happy Wednesday to you. Today is weigh in day at Weight Watchers - I've got everything crossed for luck today. I only have ONE POUND to go to reach my LifeTime Goal weight......I'm pretty sure I'll get there today......but any positive energy you can forward to me ......Won't hurt! I want to share the door prize gift I made for last weeks SW Stampers meeting. This month I was responsible for making the door prize for our meeting and this is what I made....... It's two of the mini milk carton dies and a darlin little holder I made to store the two milk cartons. SUPER EASY and SUPER FAST.....I'll post the template tomorrow for the milk carton holder....... Here's a close up of what the back of my mini milk carton holder looks like. The holder has room for two mini milk cartons and there is a handle so you can carry your completed project. And here's a view of the two mini milk cartons when taken out of the holder. And this is the little buddy I made to go along with the sample that I took with me to the SW Stampers meeting. I just knew I needed one of these cute little holders for my studio so I created a second one in Kraft. My gift was a hit and Cathy was the lucky winner of this months door prize. I just know it will be proudly displayed somewhere in her home.
Thanks for stopping by and if your able to come back tomorrow.......I'll be sharing the template for my mini milk carton holder with you. Keep Living Your Dream!

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