Sunday, May 01, 2011

May Day Baskets

Happy May Day my blogger friends. I was out at the crack of dawn this AM delivering my May Day Baskets to my SaddleBrooke friends.......check out these cute baskets I made. I used the box from Sweet Treats (cupcake #2 button) ..... If it looks familiar....It was the same basket I used to make my Easter Baskets treats!
I added some flowers to the center of my basket and called it "Happy May Day".
I picked lite pink and dark pink....along with purple and white flowers to bring my May Day basket to life.
Just love how these turned out........and know my friends here in SaddleBrooke might not receive them until Monday (because I put them on their mailboxes) and since we don't get mail on friends might not see them. But knowing many of my friends...they are probably reading this post and running out to their mailboxes to see which basket they received.
Happy May Day! Hope you have a fabulous day! I'm going to share with you tomorrow some Easter cards I received......Hope you can come back and join me for those. Keep Living Your Dream!

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