Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Easter Treat from Jan

Hi Blogger Friends and Happy Wednesday. Today is Weight Watchers weigh in.....My fingers-eyeballs-toes and I'll even try holding my breath as I weigh in today.....Please stop back tomorrow to hear how I did. I'm hoping to make my goal weight and get back as a Lifetime Weight Watchers member........But on to my post for today...... I received this sweet little treat from my BFF Jan the Friday before Easter......How sweet is this little number........
She took a small moss pot and added torn paper (looks like an old book torn into strips) and added some yummy chocolate and a little chick......she also went completely around the top of the pot with some darling purple pom pom trim........
She added a wire handle and a topped it off with a charming little yellow ribbon. Talk about creative and shabby chic.......This little number has taken up residence in my studio on my bookcase. Every time I walk into my studio I see it and SMILE!
And one last close up of this simply charming little Easter basket. Jan.....You out-did yourself with this cute cute cute little number....THANK YOU.
I'll be back tomorrow to share a few more Easter treats and hopefully some great news. Until tomorrow.......Keep Living Your Dream!

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