Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Group

Hi Blogger Friends....It was weigh in day yesterday and SADLY.....I had No Weight Loss - I've stayed the same - and still have four pounds to go......Seriously going to work at it for this next week. FINGERS CROSSED! Today....I'll be sharing three cards that I made yesterday at my new FU stamping group. The groups name is F.U. (and NO....It doesn't stand for FU.....It's stands for Fabulously Untouchable or something like that.....) The four of us (Kris, Ann, Debbie and myself) gathered at Ann's house and had a FUN afternoon of cardmaking. Here are the cards that the ladies had us make.......
First up is the card Kris had us make.....How Stinkin Cute is this.....It actually looks like a SHOE! We popped up the bottom of the shoe and Kris even had us lace the shoe up with shoe lace cording.
Here's a great view of the shoe card.....
Next up is Debbie's card......She taught us a fun stamping technique....We embossed the swirl and then used daubbers to color in on the watercolor paper. We used a mister to move the ink around and then dropped salt on top of the paper and that created a great look.
Here's a close up look of the embossed swirl and amazing fun color used to shade in the paper.
And last (but not least) is Ann's card. I will start out by saying.....I SERIOUSLY put my card together any good cardmaker........I figured out a way to make it work. And work it did. I love how the fun fold that Ann was spotlighting for her card was not completely lost in my error of assembling my card.
I will probably write my message on the top portion of my card and maybe use this card to mail a gift card to that someone special. I think a gift card would look great in the bottom portion of the inside of this card.
I had an error yesterday on my'll be posting some Easter treats for your viewing enjoyment. Hope you can return tomorrow for some fun fun projects. Keep Living Your Dream!

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