Friday, April 01, 2011

Gail's Birthday Gift

Happy Friday Blogger Friends.......ENJOY your upcoming weekend! Today, I want to share with you a cute little gift I made my Stamping Friend Gail for her birthday last week......Check it out! I made Gail a special stationary box and mini magazine holder for her birthday last week.
Check out this cute A2 stationary set.....I ended up only being able to include 4 of these cards into the stationary box (because they were SO 3D that I couldn't fit all six cards into the stationary box)
And here's a great close-up of the belly band I made for the stationary box.
I made two different cards for Gail's stationary box and here is one of the A2 cards that I made for her stationary box.
And here is the mini magazine holder that I made for Gail. It included four little 3x3 cards in Gail's magazine holder. You can go to Inking Idaho's blog ( and obtain Becky's version of this Magazine Holder (I changed my template up by extending the side flaps to extend all the way down into the front of the magazine holder)
I included two different versions of the 3x3 cards to Gails mini magazine holder....Here is the first card........
And this is the second 3x3 card.
I know Gail just loved her Birthday gift and I was thrilled to help celebrate her birthday with her.
Hope you can stop back tomorrow with more Kards by Kadie creations.......Keep Living Your Dream!

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