Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Get Well Card

It's Tuesday and only three more days to go until I leave for my CK Convention weekend.....I'm busy getting all my pictures printed and page layouts gathered......There's a LOT of work that goes into planning a scrapbooking weekend. But.....an entire weekend dedicated to scrapbooking is what I call a GOOD TIME! Today I'm going to share another Get Well Card I received a few months ago when I was sick.....and by the beautiful job of coloring....You guessed it......My BFF made me this card! The tissue box is NOT DSP....It's colored in by Jan with her Copic Markers.....Check out the detail...
Does Jan not do the most amazing job with coloring (I know.....I know.......I must sound like a broken record....but sometimes the truth just needs to be shouted from the roof top!).
I just love how Jan stuck a real kleenex in the tissue box......I just squealed when I opened this card up.
And I leave you today with the larger than life Asprin that Jan popped up on my card. TOO CUTE!
I'll be back with more Get Well cards that I received.......I am SO BLESSED to have such caring friends surrounding me in the Brooke (that's SaddleBrooke to those who don't live here). Have to fly and get some packing and organizing done todfay of what I want to take on my upcoming scrapbooking weekend. Keep Living Your Dream!

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