Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Valentine's From Friends

Hi Blogger Friends......Today, I want to share two special Valentine's I received this year from two fabulous friends here in SaddleBrooke......... First up is from my BFF....... How cute is this card. I'm so impressed that Jan made this and mailed it all the way from Hawaii. There is so much interest and dimension to this card.
I love the Queen of Hearts bunny and all the texture with the embossing folder that Jan used. But my all time favorite piece to her card is the following........
I LOVE the hat pin she pushed through the "I Love You So Much" message. It's really a hat pin - check it out. Don't you just LOVE IT? Thanks Jan for thinking of me and sending me this amazing creation. It's already taken center stage up on my display cabinet in my studio.
Next up is a little hersey kiss treat holder that my friend Ann (Birdie) made for me. How cute is this? It so vintage........totally reminds me of those Valentine's I sent out when I was a little girl.
Here's a close up (sorry for the fuzzy image) of the candy holder. It was just big enough for a single hersey kiss. THANKS ANN FOR REMEMBERING I'M ON WEIGHT WATCHERS AND A SINGLE KISS IS JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR ME TO EAT.
Here's a close-up of the adorable gift tag that Birdie made to go along with her kiss treat. LOVE LOVE LOVE the cute saying on this tag. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many close friends. I appreciate each and every friend I have made since moving to SaddleBrooke......Hope each of you know how special you are to me.
Tomorrow I have yet more to share with you and hope you can return back to see what I've received. Until tomorrow......Keep Living Your Dream!

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