Saturday, March 05, 2011

Misc Holiday Cards I MISSED

Happy Saturday Friends....thanks for stopping and sharing part of your Saturday with me. Today, I'm going to share some cards made by my SW Stamper Demo and Friends that I received in November and December of 2010. I realized that a few of the cards I received did not have a name on the back and I won't be able to give credit to the demo/friend that shared that card with me. Let's get started........ This first card is my card and what I exchanged was the santa tag that I posted right below the red card. I wanted to show you that the tag was designed to be used as a tag or slipped inside a card front pocket to store a gift tag inside the tag. The sweet little "Peace on Earth" card is from one of my SW Stamper Demo's that did not have a name on the back. The Kraft "Thank You" card was made by Traci.
My good friend Anne (from Madison) sent me this amazing snowflake card that she embossed and blinged up (LOVELY). The "Merry Christmas" card is from my dear friend Sherry (from Madison) and the last card in this picture was made from another friend in Madison - Barb and I love how she made a lovely Christmas present out of red cardstock and ribbon.....HOW FABULOUS is this?
And this last group of cards are from my SouthWest SU Demo friends here in Tucson. First is a sweet little flower card made by Kathy Huss. Kathy embossed the background of this Concord Grape Cardstock with clear embossing powder and then used the SU oval punch to make flower petals.....Truly one of those cards that the picture does not do it justice. Next card is from my demo friend Barbara Phillips. I love how she used four squares of DSP and made this clean and simple holiday card (LOVE IT). And the next two cards were made by Amanda. She had us make this card at our meeting and we used contact paper to create the background snowflake paper. We used the Big Shot and the SU embossing folder to create this lovely lovely card. Thanks Amanda for giving us this fabulous tip on creating background paper.
LOTS of plans for this Saturday - the Mesa convention is today and several of my SaddleBrooke friends are driving up to Mesa to attend this all day convention. Should be fun and hopefully we will all come back with some fabulous new finds. Hopefully I will be able to show you those finds early next week. Until Sunday.....Keep Living Your Dream!

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