Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March Cards from Jan & Berta

Happy Wednesday my Bloggers Friends ...... It's weigh-in day for me at Weight Watchers! I'll report in tomorrow with my total (FINGERS CROSSED THAT I'LL REACH 25 POUNDS TODAY). SO....on with today's cards: Here are the two cards I received from Jan and Berta for our March Crafternooners card challenge. Our challenge was to make a card using Navy and Silver and our technique was to use Ultra Thick Embossing (UTE) powder. First up is Berta's card. Her UTE was used on the centerpiece of her card.
Here's a close-up of her UTE.......
And here is Jan's card.........I LOVE how she used the UTE to create a cracked glass image on her floral centerpiece image.
Here's a close-up of Jan's cracked glass image. WOW!
Hope you enjoyed Jan and Berta's cards today............They worked super hard in meeting this months challenge and did an amazing job. Tomorrow I will show you both Opals and my challenge card for March. Hope to see you tomorrow........Keep Living Your Dream!

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