Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here Kitty Kitty.......

Morning Blogger Friends.......Sorry I'm so late getting my post out this morning. I ended up webcaming my grandkids in Wisconsin last night and then watching "Singing in the Rain" with Jack. Doing all this was AMAZING and I was SO HAPPY that I got to spend time with my grandkids and Jack........but....walking away from my studio responsibilities last night is costing me this morning. So even slowly.........Let's get this post under way....... Let's do a Weight Watchers check-in......YAHOOOO FOR ME! I reached my 10% at yesterday's meeting and receivced my KEY CHAIN! I'm down 19.8pounds (and add another 9-10lbs from before Christmas....which was not on WW) and I'M ONE HAPPY CAMPER. Next week I will be at 20 pounds and get my next ribbon. Now.....on with the show! Check this adorable this face out.............
I made this adorable kitty card for my friend Mary Fish just a couple of weeks ago. Mary and her family adopted a new kitty (cat) and I wanted to send her a congrats on her new arrival card.
I used my Cruit and my Create a Citter cartridge to create the kitty........
I also knew that she had adopted an adult female gray I just had to use cardstock to match her new arrival.
I just love how this little cutie turned out and found out later that Mary's new kitty wears a pink collar too.......Not sure how I knew that....but SO HAPPY that I added the pink collar to my card.
Needless to say....Mary was thrilled and I was so happy that she adopted an adult cat from the shelter. I just know that Shasha has found herself a HAPPY NEW HOME!
Thanks for stopping in and hopefully I will get back on task with my post for tomorrow. Hope you can return tomorrow when I'll be sharing some fun cards I've been working on with you. Until Friday....Keep Living Your Dream!

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