Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Tag Flip Card

Hi Blogger Friends and Happy Sunday to you! Today I was feeling like I needed to go back to my Wisconsin Roots and I cranked out this fun Two Tag Flip Up card.......... These can be made for just about any reason - I honestly like making them for Thank You and also for Anniversary cards. BUT.....the sky is the limit on what message you put on the front of them.
Here's the ones I made for Anniversary wishes........You use just a little patterned paper and get a whole lot of bang for your buck. The white section of the card flips up - making the two silver mats that the card rest on to be the backing for your card.
Here's a fun and playful Thank You card - created using an epoxy bubble with the message punched out with a circle punch.
Same idea with this one.....just changed up the paper and saying. It's a great way to use up your scrap paper and ribbon.
The weekend is over and it's back to work tomorrow and the fun will start all over for another week. Hope you can come back tomorrow and see more Kards by Kadie creations. Keep Living Your Dream!

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