Friday, February 18, 2011

October Fun Shop

Greetings Blogger Friends and Happy Friday to you. Hope you have some fabulous plans for the upcoming weekend. My hopes are to accomplish all that I set out to do. Today I will sharing a Fun Shop that my SaddleBrooke Stamper Friend Kris put on last October......I was sorting through some photo's and found these pictures and realized I had never posted them. Kris had put together a Shoebox swap and these are the cards my table made..... This was my shoebox card. I used the large oval punch to design the tulips and the basket and blossom Big Shot Die (just cut down) fo the pot or basket.
This card my stampin buddie Ann made........She showed us how to make a pinwheel design and I have to say.....It wasn't near as complicated as I thought it would be.......BEAUTIFUL!
Here's the card my friend Opal had us make. We embossed the daisies and simple LOVE how this card turned out. I totally will be making some sympathy cards using this design.
Next up is my BFF's card..........I loved everything about this card that I CASE'd it for my November SW Stampers cards........THANKS JAN!
And last but not favorite card.......Kris made this special flower card that I fell head over heels for. She had NO IDEA where this paper came from.....but seriously........I would have gone out and bought a paper stack of it had I know where to look. BEAUTIFUL Kris!
I'll be sharing the other tables cards with you tomorrow.......And it will mainly just be pictures I took of their I have no idea who made the cards from that table.
Until tomorrow.......Keep Living Your Dream!

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