Friday, January 07, 2011

One LAST Christmas Gift.....

I realized that I had not posted the Christmas Eve goodies I made for my SaddleBrooke Friends. I deliveried these on Christmas Eve morning (yes....I was once again out there at 5:30am delivering goodies with my flashlight and GPS.......) to about 20 of my good friends up here in SaddleBrooke. This was a group shot of the candy cane mice (which Kris Holmes taught us last year in a Saturday Fun Shop.......) and also the Snowmen bag holders that I made with one of my SU Big Shot dies.
These snowmen bag came together soooooo quickly - with the help of the Big Shot die and a few punches. I added a velcro closure to the bac of the face to hold the bags closed......
and added some ribbon to the back of the bag for a hanger and these bad boys came together in no time.
Have to say that this idea came to me one morning when I woke up......I had gone to bed the night before just wondering what I could possibly make for my friends that was something a little different - as I had very little time to prep for this project and not very much energy to get'er done either.
And a final close-up of those adorable candy cane mice. I know my friends enjoyed their treats and as always.......I enjoy making them for each of them. Hope you have some great plans for a fabulous weekend.......I'm teaching a class tomorrow afternoon for my fellow Stamping'll be posting tomorrow the projects that we are making. Until Saturday........Enjoy your day and Keep Living Your Dream!

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