Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cards from FRIENDS

Welcome Back and today I'll be sharing some pictures of the two cards I received from two of my SaddleBrooke friends. The first up is from my Stampin Buddie Berta....... Check out this awesome image of the front of the thank you card Berta made for me.
I love the colors Berta used on this card and all the hard work that she put into putting this card together for me......THANKS BERTA!
This next card is from my BFF.........This picture of the donut DOES NOT do the donut justice. It not only has icing that sparkles....but Jan even put some bling on top of the donut to really make it look REAL.
And this is a picture of what the entire card looked like. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this card. One of my favorite colors is Pink and......well.......this card needless to say has taken front row center on my studio desk. Thanks Jan!
It's weigh in tomorrow so I'm going to keep myself busy today in my studio.......figure if I create long and hard enough.........I won't have time to sneak off to the kitchen to see what's behind the pantry door. Keep Your fingers crossed for me that thinking like that works! Hope you can stop back tomorrow for some more Kards by Kadie creations. Until Wednesday.....Keep Living Your Dream!

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