Friday, October 22, 2010

Tote Bag Note Card Holder

SURPRISE.......another tote bag holder. I know you are probably getting SICK SICK SICK of yet another gift bag, but honestly.....I can't STOP myself. Maybe there is a therapy session for papercrafters who over indulge in purse/tote making. If anyone knows of the 12-step program for this.....please give me a yell. (I honestly think I need HELP!) But for now......ON WITH THE SHOW! I made two square noteholder/purses to share with you today. Both hold up to 6-8 note cards (depending on your embellishements you use on the card) and both have this charming ribbon handle. Now....anyone who knows me....know how much I LOVE RIBBON. In fact....when my studio was being designed - one of my BIGGEST WANTS was to have two slide-out ribbon cabinets so I could store my "Stampin Up!" ribbon and all my "Other" ribbon. My BFF Nancy says there isn't a time we go out shopping and I don't buy a spool (okay...who am I kidding.....maybe SEVERAL spools) of ribbon. Needless to say.......I have a supply of ribbon that NEEDS to get used up.
Here's what the Pumpkin Pie purse looks like with the 8-note cards that I put inside it. I made full size A2 cards for these purses along with matching envelopes. I also stamped the front of each envelope to have it coordinate along with the cards. TOO CUTE!
I just know that these two gifts will make someone SMILE BIG! Hope you have BIG plans for the weekend......mine will be spend in my studio putting the final touches on all my Halloween treats....I just know my SaddleBrooke Friends will be enjoying this years treats.
Until Saturday.....Keep Living Your Dream!

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